For example, we can make our navigator provide a display for generator models, Ecore models, UML models, etc. 例如,我们可以让导航器显示生成器模型、Ecore模型、UML模型等。
The pressure controller can control and display the pressure in the process of chlorine dioxide production, thereby ensuring the safety of the generator. 本实用新型压力控制器可以控制和显示二氧化氯生产过程中的压力大小,保证了发生器的安全。
Methods to improve display speed and quality are described with emphasis on both line generator and deflection amplifier. 着重从线产生器和偏转放大器两方面描述了提高显示速度和质量的措施。
The human-machine interfaces including speed waveform display and store, armature current monitoring, control parameter setting, experiment instruction and report generator are introduced in detail. 其人机操作界面包括转速波形的显示和存储、电枢电流监控、参数的设置、实验指导书和实验报告调用等功能。
Design of the Display Timing Generator in the LCD Scaler LCD定标器中显示时序控制模块的设计
Presents a DAC dynamic test instrument that display DAC output waveform of any division open loop VHF number generator used in the broadband oscilloscope. 阐述了以开环数字高频振荡发生器将数模转换器输出阶梯波的任一部分,在宽带示波器上显示出来的动态测试设备。
The article introduces the constitutions, the application methods and the main features of two kinds of the chemical instruments, electrolyte electric display and ups& downs gas generator, researched and made newly. 介绍了新研制的两种化学实验仪器&电解质导电显示仪器和沉浮式气体发生器的构造、使用方法及其主要性能。
This paper presents a "waveform display method" for checking the colour TV Chrominance Delay Line in the factory, and introduces a simple, practical and self-made test-signal generator. 本文提出一种适用于工厂检测彩色电视色度延迟线的波形方法,并介绍了一种自制的简易实用的测试信号源。
The system can simultaneously display the various parameters of the diesel generator and control it to start and stop automatically or manually. 它可实现对柴油发电机各参数的实时显示和监控,并可对其的正常启动、紧急启动、正常关机、紧急关机等功能实行自动和手动控制。
Some display and control systems need a kind of high performance, high reliability graphics generator, and it must work in rugged conditions. 在某些应用场合需要适应苛刻工作环境要求的高性能、高可靠性嵌入式图形发生器。
This paper discusses the Chinese display method in the EG-series LCDs which are produced by the SEIKO EPSON Co.. The circuit and word generator used to realize the display method were designed. 本文探讨了在SeikoEpson公司生产的EG系列液晶显示器上实现汉字显示的方法,并设计了实现这种显示方式的电路及字符发生器。
Display and control terminal 、 the waveform generator 、 the beat signal processor 、 the central controller and the signal processor unite test. 显控终端与波形产生器、差拍处理器、中心控制器及信号处理机的联调。
Apart from the above two modules Scaler chip also includes some auxiliary parts such as the Display Timing Generator module and the microprocessor I/ O module. 这种结构可以简化寻址数据部分的复杂度,节省电路面积。除上述两个模块,定标器芯片中还包括输入模块、显示时序控制模块、微处理器接口模块等辅助模块。
The technology of auto/ single sampling display based on dual memory system, including the data sampling, the control circuit of memory, the module of data compressing, the dual memory system and the time generator circuits design. 3. 基于双存储系统的自动/单次采样显示技术:包括采样电路的设计、存储控制电路的设计、等效数据压缩的设计、双存储电路的设计以及时钟电路的设计。
LCD controller mainly consists of three modules of host interface, display ram master and LCD timing generator. 控制器主要由三个模块组成:处理器接口模块、显存控制模块和LCD时序控制模块。